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What Are the Biggest Denominations of Christianity?

Many people grow up belonging to a particular church or denomination taught to them by their parents and community. If a parent belongs to one Church, it’s common for the children to follow in their footsteps and join that Church. Learning about the history and differences between denominations is essential to understand your beliefs fully. What are the most prominent denominations of Christianity?

Read on to learn about the most common Christian denominations and their similarities and differences.

Seventh Day Adventists

The Seventh-Day Adventists are a Protestant Christian group that believes in Jesus Christ as the only way to salvation. They follow the teachings found in the Bible and are devoted to mission work.

They gather weekly, usually on the seventh day, to worship and keep the Sabbath. There are a variety of Seventh-Day Adventist denominations:

  • International Council of Community Churches
  • African Methodist Episcopal Church
  • Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement


It is a form of reformed Christianity, tracing its origin to the 16th-century Swiss Reformation. It is defined as a traditional, hierarchical form of Christianity. This comes with governing presbyteries composed of representatives from all congregations.

Presbyterianism is based on Calvinist theology. It comprises several distinct governing bodies in different geographic regions of the world.

Presbyterians believe in a “federal ministry.” It is responsible for educating, guiding, and protecting the churches they govern.

Methodism in Denominations of Christianity

Methodists are known for their lively hymn singing, sanctified music, and powerful sermons. They uphold the traditional beliefs of the Church of England, including the Trinity and Jesus as the only Son of God.

The Methodist Church has a firm conviction against social injustices. They cherish the call to work for global transformation.

It also holds that everyone can experience grace and redemption. This is through faith in Jesus Christ. A bishop Christianity‘s overseer leads this denomination.

Oriental Orthodoxy

This denomination is also known as “miaphysite.” This is because it rejects the Chalcedonian definition concerning the human and divine nature of Jesus Christ.

The Oriental Orthodox churches are from Egypt, Ethiopia, Armenia, Syria, India, and Eritrea. They make up the oldest branches of Christianity’s fastest-growing denominations.

These churches are communed with each other and follow a shared Apostolic heritage. They share a common faith, as well as a common origin and language.


Lutheranism is one of the largest Christian denominations. Martin Luther established it in the 16th century, primarily in an attempt to reform the Roman Catholic Church.

The core teachings of this branch of Christianity center on the Bible and justification by faith alone. It also includes the “priesthood of “all believers.”

Lutheranism “emphasizes the role of personal faith for salvation and Jesus’ presence in the Sacrament of Communion.

Baptists (Denominations of Christianity)

Baptists hold that baptism should only be experienced once. It should be given only to individuals who can demonstrate a personal faith in Jesus.

In terms of doctrine, Baptists adhere to the Triune Godhead. They also place a significant emphasis on the authority of scripture. They also believe that salvation results from accepting Jesus Christ as Savior.

Baptists come in various forms and sects, each placing varying degrees of emphasis on a particular doctrine. The largest and most prominent Baptist denomination in the United States is the Southern Baptist Convention.

Elsewhere, the Baptist World Alliance is an international umbrella organization representing Baptists worldwide.


It is a historic and modern tradition, rooted in Scripture and tradition, emphasizing the importance of personal faith, practice, community worship, and service. Anglicanism is one of the largest denominations of Christianity, with its roots in the Church of England.

It includes various theological beliefs, liturgical practices, and worship services. Anglicanism is known for its diverse stances on social issues, unified expression of faith, and open-minded approach to theology.

Eastern Orthodox Church

The Eastern Orthodox Church is one of the world’s most prominent denominations of Christianity. It traces its roots back to the early Church in Jerusalem. It dates back to the early part of the 4th century when the Roman and Byzantine empires were in power.

A shared faith, tradition, and approach to sacraments and worship unite the denomination. It is characterized by a hierarchical structure of clergy and lay members. They have a strong belief in the divine inspiration of scripture.


It is marked by a strong belief in the power of the Holy Spirit. In worship services, they practice speaking in tongues. Those who believe in the Holy Spirit can speak and pray in unknown, spiritual languages.

The Pentecostal doctrine includes a firm belief in the power of prayer, healing, and prophecy. The denomination teaches that each Christian is a unique and essential part of the body of Christ. Everyone is gifted with spiritual gifts from the Holy Spirit.


It is considered one of the original Christian denominations that emerged in the first century. It is based on Jesus Christ’s and the Apostles’s teachings to the first Christians. The Catholic Church teaches that it is the apostolic Church.

The Catholic Church also believes in the seven sacraments: baptism, confirmation, the Eucharist, penance, anointing of the sick, holy orders, and matrimony. Further, it also has seven “mysteries” followers must believe and accept to be part of the faith.

Read More About the Denominations of Christianity

Christianity is a global religion comprised of many denominations that span the globe. Each denomination is united in the common belief in Jesus.

By exploring the largest denominations of Christianity. You can gain a deeper understanding of the prevalent religious ideologies worldwide.

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