HomeHOME & DECWallpaper Removal Tips That Will Leave Your Walls Spotless

Wallpaper Removal Tips That Will Leave Your Walls Spotless

Wallpaper has come a long way since it was first widely popular in the 1900s. There are now wallpapers made to easily peel off of the wall without much of a hassle. However, if you’re dealing with a less-modern style of wallpaper, then you might have some trouble removing it from the walls. To remove it without creating a total disaster, continue reading below. Here are several wallpaper removal tips you need to know about before you attempt to remove it.

Know What You’re Working With

Before you begin to remove the wallpaper as a whole, it’s important you know what you’re working with. To determine this, start with a small corner. Use a scraper to remove the corner of the wallpaper.

How many layers of wallpaper are there? If there’s only one layer, then you’re lucky. Otherwise, you might want to reconsider how you’re going to remove the wallpaper if there are several layers of it.

Determine if It’s Strippable (Wallpaper Removal)

The next step is to determine if it’s strippable or not. Many modern wallpapers are made to easily strip off of the wall. You can figure this out by prying up a seam edge using a utility knife.

Pull the wallpaper down at an angle while keeping your hands close to the edge you’re lifting. If it’s strippable, then it’ll peel off easily in one long sheet and won’t leave any residue on the wall. If this is the case, then you’ll have a much easier task on your hands.

Soak in a Paste Solution

Use a standard wallpaper paste to soak the paper in before removing it. You can use a liquid detergent and warm water mixed with a cellulose paste to create a paste that’ll help hold the water onto the paper. Once you apply the paste to the paper, leave it on for at least 5 minutes. (Wallpaper Removal)

Then, use a scraper to scrape the wallpaper off of the wall.

Use a Wallpaper Steamer

A wallpaper steamer is a perfect tool to help you strip wallpaper that’s more stubborn. If you find multiple layers of wallpaper on your walls, then a wallpaper steamer is ideal. The steamer will help clear away all of the sticky residues that keep the wallpaper on your walls.

Once the residue has melted, you should then be able to easily and quickly remove the wallpaper.

Avoid Common Wallpaper Removal Mistakes

Sometimes, the best way to remove wallpaper without finding yourself in a mess is to know what common wallpaper removal mistakes to avoid. There are a few good wallpaper tips that’ll help you avoid some common mistakes, such as using harsh chemicals to remove the paper or trying to remove wallpaper from the entire house at one time.

Take some time to research what mistakes to avoid when removing wallpaper to ensure you have the least stressful experience possible.

Follow These Wallpaper Removal Tips

When you’re ready to redesign your walls, be sure to follow these wallpaper removal tips. Keep each of these tips listed above in mind to remove wallpaper with ease and without a mess.

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