If you want to learn something about Keyboard or Symbols language, don’t worry. These are the most popular identities of the Keyboard Symbols and how to use them all.

If you read it carefully, I am sure, you will learn about the various Keyboard Symbols and using all of them. So please don’t waste your important time and read to this complete content.

1st Symbol is-!

The name of this symbol is the Exclamation mark;

How to use or write it; you need to just click on Shift and simple no 1. So you can be written symbol Exclamation mark.

2- Symbol is &

The name of this one is Ampersand and, and. Yes, we say it, but the real name of this symbol is Ampersand. This is a keyboard symbol that is mostly used for conjunction.

How to use or write it; we can write it just both buttons shift and simple 7. So the keyboard will be written &. (Keyboard Symbols and how to use them)

3- Symbol is [ ]

When anyone asks us, that what is the bracket? So we will suddenly confuse. Because in our mind many brackets are running, For example, [ ], { }, < >, and ( ).

So in that case, don’t worry. You won’t believe it, but you will be gone learned after reading this article, I tell you in simple words of English.

[ ] Bracket or Square Bracket,

The second problem for us is what is the name of the first bracket symbol [and second bracket symbol ]. Don’t worry,

The name of the first bracket is Open bracket, [

The name of the second bracket is Close bracket, ]

The complete name of these brackets is Bracket Or Square Bracket

How to write it: You can write it without ant second button. Moreover,

4- Symbol is { }

Curly braces Or Curly Brackets

Same as, I said in symbol no 3,

The name of 1st bracket is { Open Curly Brace

The name of the second bracket is } Close Curly Brace

How to use or write this symbol: you can write it with both buttons Shift and bracket, which you want to press, {Or}


5- Symbol is ( )

These keyboard symbols are called Parentheses and they are mostly used when writing articles and documents.

The name of the first is ( Open Parentheses

The name of the second is ) Close Parentheses

How to write it; you can write it with both buttons Shift and bracket, which you want to press, (Or)

6- Symbol is < >

These are < > is Angle Brackets

The most use of this symbol is in the HTML websites, in those situations the name of < and > is.

The name of the first Angle Bracket is < Less than Or Open Angle Brackets

The name of the second Angle Bracket is < Greater than Or Close Angle Brackets

How to write it; you can write it with both buttons Shift and Angle Bracket, which you want to press, <Or>

7- Symbol is ~

The name of this Symbol is, ~ Tilde

How to use this symbol; you can write it with both buttons Shift and Tilde below the ESC button, so you write the symbol ~

8- The symbol is `

The name of this Symbol is ` Back Quote

How to write it; the same click below the ESC button without any button you can write ` Back Quote

9- Symbol is @

The name of this ONE is @ At Sign or at the Rail

We cannot write any Email ID without this symbol @,

Suppose; payoneer.cah.co@gmail.com or info@www.wellhint.com

How to make use of; you can write it with two buttons Shift and 2, so you write the symbol @.

More Examples of Keyboard Symbols and How to use them

10- Symbol is #

The name of # Hash or Number Sign

This symbol is most used in mobiles, As well as, *111#

How to write it; you can write it with two buttons Shift and 3, so you write symbol #. Next,

11- Symbol is *

Most people call this symbol is Star, but,

The exact name of this Symbol is * Asterisk or Star

Same as the sample, which I showed in the previous symbol

This is the second symbol, which is most useful in mobiles, As well as, *111#

How to write it; you can write it with two simple buttons Shift and 8, so you write the symbol Asterisk *.

12- Symbol is $

Dollar Sign

This is the most popular currency in the world, For example, US $, and Aus $, etc.

How to write it; you can write it with two simple buttons Shift and 4, so you can write the symbol Dollar Sign $. (Keyboard Symbols and how to use them)

13- Symbol is %

Percent Sign

This is the most popular symbol in the world for Mathematics and Accounting of banking uses,

How to write it; you can write it with two simple buttons Shift and 5, so you can write the symbol Percent Sign %.

14- Symbol is ^

Name of this Caret.

How to write it; you can write it with two simple buttons Shift and 6, so you can write it symbol Caret ^.

15- Symbol is –

The name of this symbol is Hyphen Minus or Dash.

How to write it; you can write it without any buttons, so you can write it click below the F12 symbol Hyphen -.

16- Symbol is _

The name of this symbol is _ Underscore

How to write it; you can write it with Shift and below the button F12 symbol, so you can write it click below F12 symbol Underscore ­­­_. Furthermore,

17- Symbol is;

The name of this symbol is; Semicolon

How to write it; you can write it without any buttons, so you can write it click the symbol Semi Colon­­­; In addition,

18- Symbol is:

The is Colon

How to write it; you can write it with Shift and the colon symbol, so automatically will be written symbol Colon:

19- Symbol is.

Dot or Full stop

How to write it; you can write it direct it click the symbol. (Keyboard Symbols and how to use them)

Here is the 20th Keyboard Symbol with details on how to use or write it.

20- Symbol is?

Questions Mark

How to write it; you can write it with Shift and the symbol of Questions Mark.

21- The symbol is “

Quotation Mark or Inverted Commas

22- The symbol is ‘

Single Quote ‘

23- Symbol is /

This symbol is Forward Slash.

24- Symbol is \

Backward Slash

25- Symbol is |

The name of this Pipe or Vertical Bar

So readers, now these are the Keyboard Symbols and how to use them all. Which may sometimes confuse you when you do your work at Home, School, Computer, Mathematics, and anywhere where you want to write.

Moreover, I hope you will like it If you liked it. So, please share it in your all Social Media profiles for your friends, relatives, and new students.

Furthermore, if any symbol was missed in this article, please ensure to write it in the comment box and I will update that as I try to write the best content for the readers and help students know more about the Keyboard Symbols and how to use them.

Thanks & Regards

Mian Mudassar
Mian Mudassar
Mian Mudassar is a well-versed, slightly obsessive, and experienced online marketer specializing in search engine optimization, and content marketing