HomeFitnessTraditional Hatha Yoga poses

Traditional Hatha Yoga poses

What is Hatha Yoga?

Hatha is a combination of two words. “Ha” discriminates the physical power of the body and “Tha” denotes the energy of the mind. It is an old form of exercise that has been established in the 6th to 15th century AD. Traditional Hatha yoga poses help boost power and physical balance.

Hatha is a Sanskrit word that means “Wilful” or “Forceful”.

It includes so many poses and practices that help to achieve harmony. As well as it brings balance to the mind-body-spirit. Additionally, it tends to be the oldest and most widely used physical practice in ancient.

Traditional Hatha Yoga Poses

It consists of various poses. A few of them have changed over time and some have converted into modern yoga. Some of the poses of traditional Hatha yoga are given below:


Swastikansa is a traditional Hatha yoga pose in which you have to place your feet on the inner side of your thighs and knees. You have to sit straight because it is a meditation process of breathing.

It is a great posture that helps you to boost the energy level of your mind and body. It is a meditation pose that helps to stretch the lower part of the body.


Kurmasana considers the traditional Hatha yoga pose that helps to improve the digestive and respiratory systems. In this pose, you have to cross the ankles while covering your anus. As well as you have to bend the shoulders below your knees. It also helps to release the abdominal organs.


This traditional Hatha yoga pose contains two steps. In the first step, you have to place the right ankle on the left side beside of buttock. Similarly, you have to do this with the left side as well.

In the next step, you have to put the right ankle to the left buttock and the left ankle to the left buttock. These two steps are slightly different from each other. It mainly focuses on stretching the hips and also gives power to ankles, and thighs, and reduces knee chronic pain.


In this pose of traditional Hatha yoga, you are required to put one foot on the thigh and the same as the other food on the second thigh. Inhale and exhale are the main elements of every pose of Virasana. It mainly focuses on stretching the thighs and strengthening the arches. As well as it reduces the symptoms of menopause.


Tadasana tends to be the base of traditional Hatha yoga poses. It has numerous benefits and is also familiar as the name of mountain pose in modern yoga. Furthermore, it is very effective while performing on an empty stomach. It is easy to perform. You have to stand straight and raise your hands in a straight line.

It stretches your entire body and gives strength to your knees, joints as well and hams. It also affects positively your abdomen and improves blood circulation. You can get tranquility and strength by performing Tadasana. Additionally, it makes you more active and refreshes the whole day.


Vrikshasana is also a traditional Hatha yoga pose and is also known as the tree pose. In this pose, you have to stand on one leg and place your ankle on the opposite knee.

As well as raise your hands straight and maintain the balance of the body. It helps to balance the body and focus to stretch the arms, back, and legs. It helps to boost energy, self-esteem, and confidence in your life.

Why should we go for Traditional Hatha yoga?

Hatha yoga has so many benefits and we should go for it. It mainly focuses on physical attainment and also helps to give energy to the body and mind. It cleanses and calms your body and it also works as a meditation and spiritual realization.

The regular practice of traditional Hatha yoga poses brings flexibility to your body. It also develops balance in the body and mind and reduces stress and anxiety. Traditional Hatha yoga consists of different poses and you can get so many benefits from it.


In a nutshell, traditional yoga poses are the most compatible way to boost the power of your mind as well as your mind. Many traditional Hatha poses have various effects and benefits. By performing some poses, you can boost your energy level and also give the power of your mind.

Mian Mudassar
Mian Mudassar
Mian Mudassar is a well-versed, slightly obsessive, and experienced online marketer specializing in search engine optimization, and content marketing