HomeTechnologyHow to Choose the Best Solar Panels For Your Home

How to Choose the Best Solar Panels For Your Home

Each year the demand for solar panels is growing at a high speed. This is a great system that allows you to not only save money but also earn. The monitoring system is also very important and is best installed with the panels. Today, solar companies offer a variety of solar systems. The range is so large that it is difficult to choose.

What are solar panels for the home, and what are they necessary for?

Today, many people know about solar panels. However, people often wonder why they should be installed in a private house. The design of such systems is quite simple. For installation, you will need to purchase some equipment.

  1. The solar panels themselves are for collecting solar energy.
  2. An inverter to ensure the transformation of the received energy.
  3. Batteries for storing energy reserves.
  4. System of control and monitoring of the condition of the system.
  5. Additional parts such as cables, panel fasteners, etc.

Installation is also not difficult. Solar monitoring applications most often provide information on how to properly install solar panels.

Why do you need solar panels in a private house?

Modern solar panels for homes are alternative energy sources and help solve several problems.

  1. They allow providing private houses with artificial lighting.
  2. When disconnected, the accounts work autonomously.
  3. They can ensure the functioning of individual devices: refrigerators, freezers, and washing machines.
  4. They help to provide the room with heat if heaters are in use.
  5. Used to illuminate the street, vegetable garden, garden, etc.
  6. Used to minimize energy costs.
  7. If there is excess energy, you can get additional profit from sales.

The use of such systems in everyday life pays off in 3-6 years, depending on the number of solar panels. So you can save on utilities, earn extra money, and protect yourself from power outages.

When is it time to install solar panels?

You can install solar panels for your home in cases where there is no other source of energy on the territory. For example, the villages and towns that were built as dachas, and have no illumination. You can also use such panels in areas where the light is turned off especially often. If you have to pay a lot for light, then it is also worth using the system. So it will be possible to connect to it the equipment that consumes a lot of energy.

What to look for when choosing solar panels?

While selecting, it is essential to pay attention to some factors.

  1. It is very important to decide how it will be used. The system can provide an emergency power supply, permanent, as well as for connecting individual devices. Depending on this, it will be necessary to select one of the types.
  2. Types of solar panels depend on the activity.
  3. Solar panel aging coefficients.
  4. Varieties of inverters for systems.
  5. Quality and capacity of batteries;
  6. Panel shading level. The darker the detail, the lower its performance.

These factors are especially important when choosing.

The purpose of the Solar Panels System

The first factor is fundamental when choosing home solar panels. In regards to what the system will be used for, the kit may differ slightly.


Types of Solar Panel SystemsWhat are they used for
AutonomousThey are in use to provide electricity to buildings and objects not connected to a common network.
OpenThey are called batteryless, and therefore their cost is much lower. They provide objects with energy only during the daytime. At night, the inverter selects the source of consumption by examining the load at the current moment.


CombinedThey can provide all devices with energy., However, at peak loads, they will take electricity from the main networks.


ReverseThey are an industrial option. In a private house, they can be installed to sell surplus electricity.



Naturally, the most profitable for private use are open and combined systems.

Varieties of panels

Depending on which panels you choose for your home, the cost and performance of the entire system will change. Nowadays, there are three types, but only two of them are in use in large quantities.

  1. Monocrystalline panel. In this case, each solar cell is created from a single silicon crystal. Such panels are the most effective. The reason for this is the one-sided direction of the crystals. The level of efficiency, in this case, is about 20-24 percent. However, the cost of such elements is one of the most expensive.
  2. Polycrystalline panel. Such elements are made of small silicon crystals, because of which the surface is not uniform. That is why the efficiency indicators are significantly reduced and do not exceed 18 percent. However, their cost is lower than that of monocrystalline ones. They are quite enough for a private house.
  3. Amorphous panel. They are made from a layer of silicon hydrogen applied to a special flexible lining. Thanks to their flexibility, they can be mounted on any, even curved surfaces. The efficiency of such elements is low and does not exceed 10.5 percent. The advantage is the fact that their absorption rate is many times higher. They are effective on cloudy days.

Depending on the territory where there will be the installation of the system, the purpose of its use, and the budget, you need to choose one of the options presented. It is also worth paying attention to the size of the available site for installation.

Panel aging rate

The aging factor is very important as the cost of replacement will depend on it. Block performance is declining every year. For example, a mono-silicon panel loses only 17-20 percent in 25 years, but monocrystalline cells can lose 30 percent of performance.

Features of inverters

The choice of inverter is quite essential because the system will not work without it. The power of the element can be different – 100-8000 watts. There are three types of inverters such as autonomous, network, and multifunctional.

  1. The offline view is installed internally. It can perform all the crucial functions but cannot connect to an external network. Also, it is not able to direct energy to the battery.
  2. Network type of inverters. Such inverters can only interact with the external network. Help regulate the flow of energy. Excess energy is sent to the external network.
  3. Multifunctional can work like the previous two options and are most relevant for home system equipment.

Choosing the inverter should come before selecting the solar panels for the home.

Which battery pack to choose for a private house?

To assemble a kit, you should proceed with the purpose for which the system will be used.

  1. To provide electricity to a room or appliances during the day, while not connecting to a common network, the cheapest option would be to buy an autonomous inverter and the required number of panels based on preliminary calculations. It is worth considering the number of electrical appliances, the size of the room, and the light sources used.
  2. If it is necessary to provide energy around the clock, regardless of access to the public network, then you will need to purchase solar panels of any type, a multifunctional inverter, batteries, and a controller.
  3. When you need to use the system only during the day, you have to calculate the number of panels required to provide energy at home and choose a grid or multi-functional inverter.

The calculation of the number of panels is carried out according to the formula. The performance of one panel is equal to the radiation level factor multiplied by the area of one battery multiplied by the battery efficiency as a percentage.

In search engines, the query on how to choose solar panels for a home is very relevant today. It is enough to study all the information provided above and consult with specialists.

Mian Mudassar
Mian Mudassar
Mian Mudassar is a well-versed, slightly obsessive, and experienced online marketer specializing in search engine optimization, and content marketing