HomeEducation6 Tips for Traveling While Studying an Online Degree

6 Tips for Traveling While Studying an Online Degree

Do you have big dreams of being able to travel as often as you like, explore exotic destinations, and ensure you get to see as much of the world as possible before you start your dream career? Does that dream to travel seem to be impossible thanks to the fact that you’re currently enrolled in an online degree program?

Fortunately, the mere fact that you are in an online degree program means you have an added layer of flexibility that traditional full-time on-campus students just don’t have.

Being able to travel while keeping up with your studies online is a very achievable goal; it’s all about taking the proper planning steps and using your time wisely. Here we’ll take a look at six tips that are meant for those who want to be able to travel without worry, all while studying for an online degree.

Plan Your Trips to Coincide with Breaks in Your Program

One of the best and most obvious tips is to plan your vacations around your school breaks. If you know you’ve got some time off, that’s when you can plan your getaway. This means you may only be able to get away on a short break of a couple of days, or you’ll need to wait for those more substantial breaks to take off for a week or more.

Online courses range in length (the number of weeks/months), but there may also be in-campus and fieldwork required depending on the program. The online nursing degree for non-nurses available through Baylor University requires a short in-campus segment, as well as clinical to be done. This is the kind of thing you need to plan for in advance and ensure you’re not traveling during that time.

Make Sure You’ve Got a Travel-Friendly Laptop “Online Degree”

To study for your online degree program while traveling, you must have a computer to work on. For most people, it makes sense to purchase a travel-friendly laptop. To be travel-friendly, you’ll want to look for the following features:

  • Lightweight and sleek, it is easy to store in your backpack or carry-on luggage
  • A long-lasting battery so you can work from a variety of locations without worry
  • Decent-size memory so you aren’t worried about running out of space
  • Durable casing so you know it will hold up to traveling. (you will also want to buy a protective case or sleeve to keep it in when not in use)
  • Ability to handle multiple tasks and tabs opened at once

You’ll also need a USB flash drive to act as a backup while on the road. Depending on your needs, you may want to look at the smaller Chromebook devices. As these can be even more lightweight and travel-friendly. Keep in mind that they are limited in what they can handle versus a traditional laptop, but they may still cover all your needs.

Do You Have All Your Files and Material with You?

Productivity will be dependent on you having all the pertinent files and material with you while traveling. This means taking a close look at the coursework that will be covered while you’re away. You may not even have any live classes while you’re gone. Rather you are just studying or working on independent projects. Regardless, you want to be sure you’re prepared and have everything necessary.

Does the Hotel Have the Amenities You Need?

Before booking accommodations. It’s important to give thought to what amenities you need in order to be productive while on vacation. This will include such things as a Wi-Fi signal (you’ll want to have it accessible in your room in particular). A business center if you need to make any print-outs, and a comfortable area to work within your room. The majority of hotel rooms have a desk of some sort. But it’s always wise to check in advance.

If you’re traveling with others, you may even wish to look for accommodations with more than one bedroom. This gives you a separate quiet area to study, even if others are in the hotel unit.

Don’t Procrastinate on Your Studies

Online Degree:- Here is a really simple and obvious tip. But all too often people end up guilty of ignoring this one. It can be tempting to put off your studies until later in the day, the next day, or the end of your vacation. The problem with procrastinating is that before you know it. Your workload is huge, and it will be impossible to get everything done in time. That causes stress, and will likely cause you to make mistakes.

So, what’s the solution? Experts recommend getting your work – or in this case, your schoolwork – done early in the day. Waking up an hour or two early each morning means you’ll have that quiet peaceful time of the day to get a large amount of stuff done. It may be all it takes to finish up your work and leave the rest of your day and night free for you to enjoy however you like.

If you aren’t really an early morning person. You could switch things up and dedicate the evenings to your schoolwork. The point is to be consistent with whatever schedule you choose and stick to it daily.

Ask Others to Be Mindful of Your Responsibilities (Online Degree)

Finally, there is the role your travel companions play in your ability to study and get things done. It’s a good idea to speak to them in advance. Let them know what your study schedule will be, emphasize you’ll need quiet time to get things done and make it clear when you will be available to explore and enjoy the holiday.

These tips will make it possible for you to travel as often as you like without having to make any sacrifices to your online degree program. It proves you can indeed have it all – balancing your student life with your personal life.

Mian Mudassar
Mian Mudassar
Mian Mudassar is a well-versed, slightly obsessive, and experienced online marketer specializing in search engine optimization, and content marketing